호주인 쉐어 카네기 넓은독방 - 호주바다첫광고 > 쉐어렌트

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호주인 쉐어 카네기 넓은독방 - 호주바다첫광고

페이지 정보


정말 이쁘고 잔디밭이 있는 넓은 정원이 있는 집이에요. 호주 집주인분 대신해 광고 올립니다. 
다양한 문화의 하우스 메이트들과 영어공부하시기에 좋아요.
아주 넓은 독방 주 $205, 노 본드, 노 컨트렉트

We have a fully furnished very spacious private room in a friendly, multicultural and
very clean all- girl household. Our home is suited to the needs of International
students, travellers or Interns looking for a peaceful and safe environment. We have
regular movie nights with discussions and other shared activities like family banquets
and camping trips. This is an excellent home to improve English language and/or
cooking skills. We are inviting a responsible, mature-minded non- smoking female to
share our caring and environmentally- aware household.
Shorter term enquiries welcome.
Great location: It’s a short walk to both Glen Huntly and Carnegie train stations.
Located near these stations are supermarkets, popular cafes and restaurants, shops,
gyms and many other services. Walking distance to Monash University, Caulfield
campus, with access to the free student bus shuttle service to Monash Clayton. The
home is just metres to tram line No. 67 destined to Melbourne University and RMIT.
A 2 minute walk to the bus service for The Holmesglen TAFE in Chadstone is at the
end of our street.
WiFi and other amenities included.
For more details, and a chat, please call Barbara.

바바라 0417 538 370
혹시 영어가 힘들시면 0413 655 108



dalgu7341님의 댓글

no_profile dalgu7341 쪽지보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 작성일

방안에 히터 시스템이 되어있고 여자 한분만 구합니다. 문의 언제든지 주세요^^



ST Humans Pty Ltd

Level 5,123 Lonsdale St Melbourne VIC 3000
+61 3 9044 3852/Korea: 070 8227 1817

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