한인 최대 자동차 세차장 디테일링 샵
Open event ( 오픈이벤트 )
Full Detail 20% off
( outside wash + Vacuum + window clean + Door Jambs + Engine wash +Clay Treatment + All Interior Wiped + Plastic Dressing + seat Clean with Steam Clean or Leather Dressing
Premium Quality Sealant Was + wheels and Tires Clean with shine
Mini Detail 20 % off
(Outside + Vacuum + Interior Wiped + windows +Door Jambs + seats wiped + Extra Vacuum + Hand Wax + Plastic Dressing + Engine wash
Full Detail 20% off
( outside wash + Vacuum + window clean + Door Jambs + Engine wash +Clay Treatment + All Interior Wiped + Plastic Dressing + seat Clean with Steam Clean or Leather Dressing
Premium Quality Sealant Was + wheels and Tires Clean with shine
Mini Detail 20 % off
(Outside + Vacuum + Interior Wiped + windows +Door Jambs + seats wiped + Extra Vacuum + Hand Wax + Plastic Dressing + Engine wash
Get One free coffee ( 오셔서 커피 한잔 하고 가세요 )
Monday to Saturday
jppow님의 댓글
jppow 쪽지보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 작성일가격대가 어떻게되죠? 좋은정보 감사합니다