Child care worker 주말 babysitting 잡 구합니다. (평일 저녁도 가능 but only on Tuesday ,Friday after 7pm) > 구직등록

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Child care worker 주말 babysitting 잡 구합니다. (평일 저녁도 가능 but only on Tuesda…

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작성자 no_profile 황상준 쪽지보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 작성일 23-03-02 12:37 조회 1,001 댓글 0


Hi guys, My name is Liam who is originally from South Korea.
I have been working as a children educator for about one year and 7 months.

I am currently looking for a second job (babysitting) only on weekend, a few days on weekdays.

If you are looking for someone caring and attentive who can look after your child on weekend,
I am the right person to reach out :)

Here is my contact

Kakaotalk: paul56
Phone: 0416926210
Instagram: hwangsangjun9245
Thank you very much.

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