26yrs old - male Looking for an on-going part-time job > 구직등록

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26yrs old - male Looking for an on-going part-time job

페이지 정보

작성자 no_profile Dodger 쪽지보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 작성일 18-02-13 13:49 조회 735 댓글 0


Hi, I m looking for a part-time job which can fill into my days off from my main work.
I m a Korean Australian (Australian Citizen) been living in Australia for 18 years.
I m available: Tuesday from 5PM - 11:30PM
                    Wednesday Whole Day
                    Saturday from 5PM - 11:00PM
Have years of experience in Hospitality (Barista)(management), Sales, and Banking (Current Job).
Contact (Preferred Message as working during the day): 0404 249 one zero two.
Thank you,

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